Where Monsters Are Born: Documenting a Fascist Revival in the Streets of Rome, 2018-2019


Using contemporary Italy as a case study, co-curators Dr. Brian J Griffith and Dr. Amy King aim to equip visitors for recognizing far-right politics and mass messaging strategies within the public sphere.

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The materials in our "Patriarchs" theme highlight the commemoration of post-World War II Italy's neo-fascist leaders among the contemporary Italian far-right community.

The materials in this theme illuminate the significance of capturing, and transforming, youth consciousness within today’s Italian neo-fascist community.

The materials in this theme showcase the significance of commemorating the deaths of Italy's neo-fascist militants among the contemporary Italian far-right community.

The materials in this theme highlight the existence of, as well as the mass communication strategies deployed by, members of Rome's anti-fascist community.

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